“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you.” – Anne Lamott
We don't hesitate to reboot our electronic devices when they stop working for us.
Meditation is a powerful way to reboot, refresh, and re-Miind ourselves that pushing the busy-button relentlessly generally leads us down a stormy road toward physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.
Do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to unplug today. If it helps to set a timer or post a reminder note on the fridge door, then let that be the 'refresh' button that reminds you to take a few mindful breaths, a short, device-free walk or stretch, or a few minutes of quiet Just-Do-Nothing time to notice what your body, heart, and mind need right now.
A simple Mindfuless of Sound practice can help quiet your mind, if it's having a hard time letting up:
- Find a quiet resting spot.
- Close your eyes, or turn your gaze gently downward.
- Take three full breaths, noticing the way they feel in your body.
- Turn your attention to hearing, and sounds. (If it's very quiet in the room, what does quietness 'sound' like? Perhaps you can hear your own breath, or other bodily movement?)
- Take a few minutes to simply notice any sound as it reaches you from outside or inside, whether loud, soft, sustained, short, distant, or near... Without trying to label what you hear, simply receive the vibrations of sound, as your body enables you.
- When you're ready, take three more full, cleansing breaths.
Notice how you feel, as you continue with your day.